Numbots is an online learning platform which is accessed through the TimesTables Rockstars login. The game is aimed at boosting addition and subtraction skills for children of all ages.
All children start at the same place in Story Mode, and when they get to a certain stage they unlock Challenge Modes. The idea is that they play little and often, and this will significantly improve their understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts.
Logins will be sent home by the class teachers. If you don't have one, please get in touch.
Click the picture below to go to the website.
In short, NumBots has been designed with the destination and the journey in mind.
For that reason, as it stands, a pupil can not skip levels and a teacher can not set a starting level.
Story Mode is set out as a series of Stages (Rust, Tin, Iron, etc) containing levels. Rust is the first Stage and level 1 is unlocked, so this is the place for everyone to start. They move through NumBots automatically at their own pace.
Our current justification for not allowing pupils to skip levels is that there's no cast-iron way to know which concepts are safe to skip over. Our levels are so carefully intertwined that to simply jump them to number bonds to 10, for example, misses all the skills and mental models underpinning number bonds to 10 and all the structures underpinning those concepts. So we think we'd be letting gaps remain by helicoptering children over the top.
In addition, we want children to be fully invested in the story (best not to skip collecting parts for Rusty, therefore) and the levels are pretty quick to pass (so it shouldn't take pupils too long to blast through early levels where they can.)